Environmental refugee – Environmental migrant A probe of the terms Reflections and Dilemmas
In recent years there has been a steady increase in migratory flows caused, intensified or triggered by disasters and climate change.
In this context, the present essay examines the terms of “environmental refugee” and “environmental migrant”, the prevailing perceptions and ideological tendencies and the evolution of the relevant dialogue through a systematic literature review.
It is found that the terms environmental refugee / environmental migrant are highly contested terms with no official legally recognition. Over time, different approaches have developed maximalists – minimalists, North – South, Neo-classical economic approach – Structural approach. An intense dialogue in opposition it is noted that is not isolated from social, political-economic and scientific developments but is fueled by them and feeds them with a central role in this the relationship between the environment and migration. There is a gradual decline of the use of the term environmental refugee / environmental migrant and alternative terms appear such as climate refugee / climate migrant, displaced due to disasters, etc. This dialogue reveals gaps in the protective legal status of these people. There is also a growing racist anti-immigrant rhetoric related to the issue of the environmental refugee / environmental migrant. Further studies are needed to investigate these issues.