” International Governance of Educational Policy in Understanding Early School Leaving and School Dropout. The influence of the OECD and the EU “
In the first part of this thesis the theoretical framework is being developed. The concepts of Quantification in Politics, Governance and Educational Policy are the main concern. We start with a review from 1982 to 2013 in surveys conducted in Greece for school dropout. The surveys that were used were made in small specimens and in limited geographic regions. The research of the Institute for Educational Policy is the most recent and conducted by the Observatory for School Dropout and is the most complete and geographically more comprehensive record of the phenomenon.
Ιn the second part of the paper we analyze the three texts concerning the phenomenon of school dropout at national and international level. Finally, the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the three texts on recording and addressing the phenomenon of ESL early school leaving (ESL) are developed.
The aim is to illustrate the way in which educational institutions react within the field of globalized competition and how they are affected by the reasons of both national and supranational organizations. Changes that are promoted through the instructions form meanings, which are important to identify and analyze. The concepts of accountability, competition and research on learning outcomes increasingly relate to the perceptions that everything must be measurable and comparable to be subject to control.
From the bibliography used, the contribution of Zambetta’s article “Technologies of governance and education welfare: monitoring education transitions in Greece”, has been decicive in shaping the thesis and connect education governance with policies associated with ESL. In addition, it defined the way in which the ESL was approached theoretically with quantification. The article reflects how education is governed in the Greek context and specifically the way ESL and student dropout, are understood during the economic crisis. The implementation of measures relating to education policies in the period of the financial crisis is a prerequisite for funding. Discourses which refer in educational governance at the national level are mediated by global discourses vary from social cohesion narratives to those of competitiveness (Zambeta E., Forthcoming 2019).
It has been found that governance of education policy has ceased to be the domain of control and exercise of sovereignty of states. It is a field in which actors intervene outside the hierarchical structure of the state. It is affected by economic data and follows the market economy and competition. The current challenges and challenges facing national education systems go beyond simply providing education to the citizens of a country.
It seems despite the country’s commitments to reduce ESL to the EU, to choose to tackle the phenomenon of fragmentation. By avoiding a methodology that would measure the ESL, the analysis shows that the Greek side focuses on only a part of the problem. By selecting the school dropout indicator, it chooses to recognize only the part of the problem that is visible from the education system. It insists on this choice while the OECD and the EU prioritize the social dimension of the issue as well.